If you don’t need the flexibility of a line of credit or prefer a fixed rate on your home equity loan, a fixed rate loan a great option to consider.

We offer terms up to 20 years at low, fixed rates. With low closing costs and fast turnaround time, we make the process easy!

Second Mortgage loan offers many potential benefits, including:

Tax deductibility
The interest paid on a home equity loan is often tax deductible. Be sure to check with your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest.
One low payment
If you currently have many monthly bills, consider consolidating them into a single loan with one easy payment.
Lower interest rate
A home equity loan offers very attractive rates. Savings are often dramatic when consolidating higher-interest credit cards.
Get out of debt faster
If your goal is to get completely out of debt, restructuring your debt with a home equity loan may help. With discipline and patience, you may be surprised at how quickly you can eliminate your debts.