• Never write your PIN number on your card.
  • Never leave the PIN number in your wallet.
  • Use ATMs only where you feel safe and comfortable.
  • If after dark use well lit ATM’s.
  • Try to bring someone trusted with you.
  • Use ATMs with security cameras visible.
  • Fill out any deposit slips and seal deposit envelope before arriving at an ATM.
  • Have your card ready when you enter ATM to avoid exposing your wallet and/or purse.
  • Put your card, money, receipt and wallet away before leaving ATM.
  • Have PIN memorized and never share it with anyone else.
  • Stand in front of the key pad when entering your PIN number so no one behind you can see it.
  • If someone is looking over your shoulder cancel transaction and leave immediately.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings.
  • If in a vestibule ATM, close door completely upon entering and exiting, don’t offer entry to strangers.
  • If at a Drive-up ATM, keep engine running with all of the doors locked and only the driver’s window open.
  • If at a walk-up ATM, walk quickly, be alert and do not linger at the machine.
  • If you feel unsafe at an ATM call the financial institution that owns and operated the machine and notify them so they can take steps to remedy the situation.
  • Do not use for illegal gambling.
  • Check your statements carefully and report any unauthorized or suspicious activity to us immediately.